Tuesday, June 30

Bohemian Summer LET"S BEACH IT.

July is just around the corner, the Summer Solstice was the marker for well SUMMER TIME. Big celebrations are always happening: birthdays, vacations, beach fun, lake trips, family reunions, and well just the fact that School is out is plenty enough for most of us free spirits.


What a magnificent array of beads. This designer creates using the elements and I just adore them all. Summer time is great for beads and bobbles they fit right in with our beach style, and free moving spirits.I find the choice of beads most excellent.

Summer heat is upon us and here are some charming and cool ways to create the perfect little "chill space".

 And as I just am getting back into the groove, slowly easing back into the daily joy of posting all my favorites I leave with this last beauty..My favorite dress to chill in. 

Peace Love and Light. 

Tuesday, March 10


Well my bohemian spirited friends, still in the crashing on the couches, sleeping on the futons and making the most fun out all this free spirited living. I have been to California back to Tennessee, and now I am down in the heart of Texas. What and where is next? I don't know.

I have been here for about three months and between three or four gracious and kind souls who have let me roam freely trying to find my happiest next home. I started out with a plan and am sticking to it. It is a task finding the right vibe place even if only for a short time. I feel the urge to make it a magical and happy happy. I have had many prospects that this old gal has decided to stop breathe and feel what the source of law of attractions are holding for me. It's a vibe you know, at least for me. A space is just a space until the essence of the being places their mark or magic on the site. Being in the place that I seem to hanging out in, there is so many possibilities and open expansion to make it anyway I choose to tell my story.

With all that said, here I sit on a couch writing this piece. I am so appreciative for where I am right now that finding THE PLACE will roll in right when it is attracted to my vibration and not a minute or second before. The most important part of this is the appreciation of the freeing and unknown that makes this quite the adventure and so many more things are attracting my way. Where and when like I asked earlier, I don't know but I do feel that things are always working out for me. I don't really have to do much but keep my vibration strong and in the direction of always being mindful of my feelings. If it isn't feeling good, then there is nothing to think about.

I am open to whatever road or avenue opens up; nothing is off limits anymore. I feel this in every vibration of my being after all, that is what we truly are isn't vibrational beings sent here to have a most excellent adventure. Finding the happiest home for this gal, is an exciting and thrilling ride.

Friday, March 6


Riding the vibrations of life. We all have desires and there is nothing wrong with all of that. The universe already has everything waiting for us. It simply cannot be any other way. It is our resistance or our constant fighting up stream, fighting the flow.  Being a carefree spirit by nature, I find myself also being a human and dang if I don't find a way sometimes to fight it all the way. Kinda like someone telling "you can have it all over here just come on over" and I reply oh OK, if I have to. Well that immediately sets up resistance, and I guarantee I will not be in the vortex of the universe's vibrations. The universe says YES to everything we desire as long as we match our vibrations to the universal laws of attraction. This is the wild spirit, the wild universe's call to us. These laws of attraction are the guidelines to being the free spirit, the bohemian wild child, the flower power couple, and it goes on and on. This is the direction the flow moves in and it is so much easier to move with it then resist against it.

Take a moment today, find and list everything that you no longer desire or want to have taking up a vibrations, then replace it with everything you do desire and tell that story, don't tell the one with the most negative, or worse still is playing both ends by saying things like: I really need money and it would make things easier, I have no bed, no couch, my car sucks. You see there, you stated a desire, a need, and negated by listing what you don't have. I would say if it were me I really could use some more money universe, I am so happy for the car I am driving and would like to see me in a new one with blue stripes,  a warm heater,  a good air conditioner, and safety and reliability is what I am going to get. I told a different story, a more moving with the flu, appreciation for what is right in front of me and knowing that things are always working out for me...NO MATTER WHAT depending on the story I am telling.

So once you get all that done, I challenge you all to take each one find a new story to tell and watch  the freedom and ease of it all. The joy of being in the vortex of the universe always expanding, and contrasting and learn to LOVE them both...

Peace, Love, and Vibrate well......It's all about the emotions and feelings if you stay in tune, tapped in and tickled pink with it all it will be a ride of a lifetime.

Wednesday, February 25


Let's talk about possibilities how many times a day do we miss a possibility or perhaps a negate we have any at all? We always have a choice. Now granted sometimes the choices are not pleasant or even ones we would think of having to make. If we go back and examine all the possibilities we missed or just didn't think they were meant for us. Everything is a choice, it is driven by a thought, but it was created by a feeling, emotion. We measure our worth by some chart designed for someone else. Our designs are uniquely different, yet we see similarities to maintain our connections. They are meant for each one of us to choose as we see fit to walk our own fate, destiny, path, journey pick your poison.

We can offer advice, and suggestions, perhaps even solutions but ultimately it boils down to individual choice lead by free will. Is free will the same as free spirit? Now that is an interesting question.

free will
  1. 1
    the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.
    synonyms:self-determination, freedom of choice, autonomylibertyindependence More
  1. 1
    (especially of a donation) given readily; voluntary.
    "free-will offerings"

    1. free spir·it
      1. an independent or uninhibited person.
        "they raised their children to be free spirits

        OK so we have the definitions I can easily feel the closeness of the two words they define and contrast each other to make the definitions almost compatible. 
        Could it be that they require each other, to balance each other out. Perhaps, it is YIN YANG working to make a vibration that then induces the whole cycle. I am no guru on this behavior of making sound and stable choices. I make mine to the best of my ability in the moment that is happening. I sometimes see the consequences, and sometimes they slip just out of the line of my sight. Every choice I make is a choosing to move further down the river of life. A chance for one more docking, or a managing the rapids, embracing the flow of the natural course. This is my spirit guide this is my moment to feel and realize that in the next moment I will have another one and another one ...feel, think, choose, feel think, choose, wash, rinse, repeat..it is a practice and progress and practice something long enough and it becomes a habit a habit of merging FREE WILL with FREE SPIRIT to become ONE with the source of ME> Peace love and light my dear bohemian spirits keep the faith. 

Sunday, February 22


Well I have been out of my artwork scene for too long. I am beginning to wilt. I wonder if other artists feel that way too? Somehow when I am not creating I feel like a part of me is dying or withering away. It has been far to long, my muse has come several times only for me to shoo it away. Shame on me, but I just didn't have enough in me at the time to go there. Things change, and everything is temporary.

My muse and are fine and we worked it all out. So this post is really just about our little venture we are expanding into, why? because it seems to be where our heart is tugging the most at this time, and our spirit is really excited too. So here are a few, I have up and ready. The rest are a slow go but will post as the projects get done. I am thrilled and anxiously awaiting to see where my art goes. It seems to moving into a truer dimension of my dimensions especially as I get older.

This is my first piece, I took regular pieces of leftover beads, and nobles, from broken jewelry and tarnished them then sealed. I love the texture, and it lays beautifully. This is not for sale, but have parts to create more request one by leaving a comment.

 Hemp chord I am in LOVE with this stuff. I can wear the jewelry all the time even in the water. I am that kind of gal, I have certain pieces that once they are on they stay on until they wear out or break. This is just rock beads, with hemp chord, any length I also am making these in anklets for the summer fun..

My last one is still a work in progress so I will post half of it finished..Hey I'm half finished kind of women sometimes. You should see my future project list and closet which now is going to require a storage unit. Retirement is coming is what I keep telling myself. LOL

So I know this was a weird post, out of the blue, best kind I'm my opinion and it my blog, flowing as I do, sometimes I am kinky that way. My point to this is I am going to open up some posting or pages still in the works. I am looking for lots and lots of photos on the subjects I post daily. Sticking to theme of free spirited and all here to do our own thing, in our way,s with a few folks who know how we roll and often want to come along. HOP ON BOARD THE BO HO TRAIN OF MAGICAL CREATIONS>

Wednesday, February 18

Vibes With The BlackMoon 2/18/15..

Welcome all to tonight's blog, I am grooving more to the night, to write and find my voice. I have always been drawn to the night. I am a child of the night, a spirit that sees clearly in the moonlight, while daylight seems loud and brash.

I find it universally intriguing that my first post in the night will be the "New Moon or Black Moon" as it is being referred to. I prefer Black moon as I love the night and the color black is among my favorites. As I am writing here, in this moment I am getting ready to celebrate my first BLACK MOON since, my life has had change after change fall like the endless flowing of a waterfall. I have little time to breath let alone finding my balance to settle in with the universe's energy. This will be my homecoming to my sweet grandmother moon.

I am a spirit who loves to follow the natural order to find the spiral pattern in all things, it is the truest connection to what it is all truly about. I look to the stars for they are my birth right, my passage that I took to arrive in this time and space. The skies hold my past legacies that have cycled through the time of the cosmos how many times I do not know? It really matters not, for it is a spiral connection as old as time. I look to the Mother Earth, for she holds my life and I hold hers both of our destinies are in twined, and it follows that I hold yours, and theirs, and they old mine do you see the spiral pattern set in our time, it is a destiny a road map that leads us from one existence to the next. I look to the Moon as she is made of me and I of her, she somehow commands my flow of birth and death and how I shall feel and loose in madness of sanity and insanity..hence the "FULL MOON" crazies and other references our vocabulary so vulgarly portrays. I look to the seas as the tides , I must watch, for it is the depths of the water that true life being began. It was my womb for my essence to settle, for the cosmos and my being to transform and mutate. What a beautiful metamorphose it must have been?

Tonight is my celebration to my spirit, freeing of my, all that binds me to this momentarily sense of entitlement, and illusion". Tonight I celebrate a new birthing for that is what the new moon, intentions and manifestations of wishes, dreams, needs, it is also a chance to settle in with what must leave to make room for the NEW. This is hard for me sometimes, as I always like to keep a little piece of everything just for keepsakes, but alas tonight I am ready to release everything that is ready to set free and remove from holding me back.

Astrology for Feb 18th New Moon

Now that you have heard the forecast I posted above, I wanted to spread the spiritual message that moved through me. I hope you got some direction and guidance as well with how powerful this moon is going to be not only personally but to the deepest core of humans truest selves our deepest roots, and our instincts or inner selves are all becoming. I was shaken to my core, as this was speaking to me so clearly, perhaps because I am a Pisces and it is really strong for me the energy stirring the feeling flowing from everywhere and everyone, empath is one of my gifts as well. I set out with my intentions list I did not limit myself, I wrote until nothing flowed easily. I gathered my candles, one for each element as I abide and black one with a white one for both sides dwelling in me the spiritual as well as the human. Picked out my best meditation music I have one called grandmother moon and calling all directions I also use a soft shamanic chant to lull me away. I smudge my surroundings, and my self as well, I offer incense and I use rain water or sea water too. Well, long story short the night was glorious. I felt renewed and free from so much that as I closed with prayer and meditation, I am ready to see what happens next. I will post my Black Moon Ritual tomorrow as you will have to try it our for yourselves and see what magic you can bring.

Sunday, February 15

The DAY after LOVE DAY!!

The day after LOVE DAY! How many of them went just the way you expected? Well, if you have been following my posts I put one up on Friday, asking everyone to follow me along as I would show LOVE to me the VIP of the day. I planned on spooling and indulging myself the way, it is in my free spirited nature to do and that is immerse myself wholly in the caring of others. Sometimes this is a curse and sometimes it is a blessing. Perspective my free spirits, if you are unclear at this point whether you a one or not, just keep reading it is sure to give you a clue at least, a full answer at best.

So I got up on Valentine Days and the day just went quirky, so I knew it was going to be a challenge. Now at this point, I am wreathing with a little why me attitude?, but it went quickly out of the energy.
I thought OK, things change, change change, roll with it, fight it, or ignore it. Quite the selection of choices. All this in a blink of moment I'm sure. So many pre laid plans, but as each one came due, it was a chore or somehow forcing it all to come together. It did to feel very LOVING. It felt pressured and very unnatural. Stop! I sat down and listened to a five or eight minute mantra, inner peace, all answers come.

Immediately after that little session, I knew what to do, I rolled with it. I started looking at the changes as challenges, as what else is coming to play, or inviting me observe, experience and learn. I took a new perspective and eased into the slipstream of the energy in the NOW. What a wonderful free flowing, totally blissful easy place to be. I started with the first plan I had made, looked at it and thought OK what about this? How much energy and passion do I truly want to have this happen. It weighed in about 50/50 so I got to looking around and found out I could do this adventure anytime I wanted it was open 24/7. I looked over the plans and what their services were and found out it had something for every healing issue at hand. As the day unfolded and I went down the list of PLANS, I noticed some other things, like I found myself having a breakfast feast filled with love with my family, that is something I have not done in six years, I had missed it greatly, and a blessing found indeed.

It continued like this magical flow, of moments that strung together in perfect timing and complete grace of movement. I was able to participate, I am participating even now as I write this belated post. One more change through action and reaction. It is amazing, I want to stay here forever, doing my best, my soul is so light and free. I see it my way, I FEEL it my way, I share it with everyone and it bounces back it's electrifying. I am in the groove. I find myself of late really being here, and it is work and hard at times, but I practice and practice, set up rituals that feed my soul, and keep me truly focused and aware.

The night's end was truly blessed I got to see my family do what was in their hearts and I wound up playing Ninja Turtles, and Zombie invade, with roses and chocolate covered strawberries, most of the chocolate eaten off, come now a two year old and five year old made them. LOL. All my VIP plans are nicely rearranged and even better times and dates. In the end I did spend the day with a VIP, I probably have always done that, just this year I it manifested so bright and vivid, and true to my heart, my spirit...That is the very important part. A day well lived, may I continue the path of the BO HO spirit.. Namaste to all this NEW DAY OF LOVE>

Friday, February 13


A LOVE we have to pay for?? Valentine's is right around the corner in fact tomorrow. So I started thinking of LOVE. It's a couples thing, for the most part, we all know this. It comes once a year and apparently if you spend like crazy and do it all up right, your good for a whole year. Good sound marketing and public relations. It works too that what amazes me? I have never really celebrated many of the commercial holidays. I wasn't raised with those traditions, we had them when we went to other family members houses but not in ours.

LOVE is the air, that is the mojo for twenty four hours. I have had it both ways, with a partner, and kids, also what I used to call alone. I no longer feel that way. It seems somehow shameful or pitiful to be a ONE on this day. Why is that? Personally, I think it is because there is truly a fear in most people of the "being alone" something must be wrong right??? Stigma bullshit, but so needed or I wouldn't be writing this article..hm mm ponder that awhile.

I made a decision that tomorrow I would pamper myself like I have done for so many others over the years. I am going to plan and participate just as if I was the "VIP", wow it looks really NOW in the written words. I love myself I said silently, but I kept coming back to that sentence. When did I stop considering me a VIP?? It rattled me a bit, then it challenged me to treat this day as the day I would get back to the basic of being a VIP in my world, and in my life. I also, for one moment realized just how much moving away from spirit and balance I had become. Truth is doesn't have to even be a large amount, just a mi note tilt and I am wobbling and drifting away.  I sit here, feeling humbled and in LOVE with this new information and one more layer of me revealed. The moment is filled with grace and gratitude, and just like that the plan came together..

Now I won't reveal what the plan is but it starts at my morning rise and shine with the feminine divine ritual, with a little added LOVE my favorite french baguette recipe, my favorite coca chocolate , and Buddha tea. All of these require special trips to speciality stores I have found and used over the years, but I never used them just for me......

I am smiling right now, as I find pleasure and true bliss in my soul, as I have before, but with two distinct differences.
1. It's truly all about ME. I feel so much LOVE right now
2. I willingly am choosing to not save it for one day a year, I will indulge in myself as I do others, on a daily basis.  Above the normal care.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post on as I take you with me on my journey documenting each moment of Loving myself. I am my Valentine, the love of my life, in all my light and all my dark, no shame, no less than or back of line for me...Take a moment to reflect over your day, couple, kids, one, doesn't matter did you spend the same energy on YOU as you did on OTHERS>


Thursday, February 12

Birth&Death...Mother&Child Circle Now Complete.

From Birth to Death..Mother and Child's Circle of Life. 

Feb 12th 1980
This beauty arrived. 

Happy Natal Day to a Child Gone, but Never Forgotten. From a mother's view. 
I honor this day to a child named Nicole, today is the first day another soul touched me so deep, beyond all the love I'd ever known. My first encounter with this magical baby girl, with eyes so blue, I knew the cosmos was behind you. We rode the nights and danced with grandmother moon while we both grew.
 I was allowed the time and grace to show you much, but dear you were teacher and me the student grasshopper so small. There are so many memories they flood each year, on this day, in this moment, I used to be sad, and shy away for sometimes the pain I couldn't bear for years I asked why? I'd of gladly gone instead. 
I can only measure time in this realm, in seconds and minutes, and hours and days months and years, and so for seventeen years I held your hand or you held mine, I yelled at you sometimes, I cradled you even when you said you were way past all that, I watched shine, even watched you crash a few times. 
Today, is different you see because this year, it is eighteen years (as I count) now more than you were physically here, so I have readjusted my time conception because I remembered looking into those magical blue eyes, and know the cosmos was on our side. You ride with me each day, the wind, the smell of sweet carnation, the suns warmth reminds me of your smile, the rains cool touch like yours after holding and wondering about how ice melts. I walk among the earth barefoot so that I never forget you were blessed unto me with care and light but what you left me was a world of magic and delight.
So in closing my sweet child, my Sweet Nicole I honor this day as the day we both were birthed anew, with more adventures to go through, and not one moment will pass where I every forget your magical blue eyes, through the cosmos we ride every time for now you are the cosmos carrying me. Love always your MOM...

Free spirits is all that we truly are, it comes from the stardust and energy beyond our time. Sitting here today, I feel every soul is born free and then somewhere we get trapped we succumb to the ties and binds of the being human. I ask today, how have I done on accepting everything that has come my way in this fifty one tiny speck of years that I have been here? I pondered so many things, my mom, my grams, my daughter, all of the feminine divine all left my world so early, I accepted it in my own time and ways I suppose just like everyone who has every had to deal with life on life terms. I moved through all the stages of reckoning on my part, I lost my freedom for a bit, dived way to deep and stayed to long in places I should have never let my soul go. I climbed back out, slowly and feeling beaten but once the light hit my nose or my caught my eye, something always turned those tides. A smell from long ago, as a child was my grams way of letting me know time to let go. My mother's moment came so many years later, after she passed I was sitting at my desk and a wave of freeing energy hit me, I instantly drew back to my mom hugging me and telling me all her good energy was no gushing into me and I would carry it with me always..we were connected no matter what or where, or how or why made no difference child you are mine. My daughter Nicole, hers has been quite a journey as it is will never feel natural to me for me to have left before her. I accept this. I also however, spent years mourning her birth and death days I stayed to long there. Then one day in spring I got a glimpse of child walking by it was Nicole, right down to the Head of Heels perfume wafting my way, she waved and smiled and at me, I lost sight of the young lady, before I could wave back..it made me smile. 

Today it has been eighteen years of her being gone, one more year than she graced this planet with her physical beauty. I realized the circle is complete in the micro sense of letting go , and moving on she has come full circle through the cosmos to carry me, until the macro circle of me leaving this time and place where our energies and souls join once more to the great divine and beyond all space and time we will ride. 

Wednesday, February 11

A mantra for every moment of the 24 hour you have been blessed with. 
Blessed be 

Naturally Perfect.

When I entered this world, and took my first breath the Universe in all its divinity stopped and whispered “You are legacy my child” one of my favorite sayings my grams would whisper in my ear and a kiss goodnight.

It never dawns on us children to feel anything else but Cosmically Naturally Perfect. How do we go from that blissful place of absolute unconditional love and pure faith in it all to wavering uncertainty in everything? We go through life, or that is my experience.

Everything is naturally perfect just as it is. All phenomena appear in their uniqueness as part of the continually changing pattern. These patterns are vibrant with meaning and significance at every moment; yet there is no significance to attach to such meanings beyond the moment in which they present themselves. This is the dance of the five elements in which matter is a symbol of energy and energy a symbol of emptiness. We are a symbol of our own enlightenment. With no effort or practice whatsoever, liberation or enlightenment is already here. My reasoning side introduction.

Nature versus Nurture model of course is the longest standing example. The truth is; it is both of these energies occurring the time span we define as childhood. The energies are never exactly the same in child, why? simply we are all uniquely designed to be that specific way. The Naturally Perfect being. Let me stop here and clarify perfect I don't profess to know the origin of my existence, it is a power greater than me but being so powerful it's design is above my pay grade in this lifetime. It is Perfect in that it has knowledge like building a human meat skeleton. I do not. End of clarity.

Then comes media, society, our peers, the whole world seems to know how YOU, ME, THEM, should be PERFECT. Notice the difference, in just the phrasing of that sentence, and the most important word is completely missing. Our second worst enemy, is our gender my very own sisters, and we perpetuate it by serving the conformity of what a few have deemed “TRUTH” ourselves being the forefront runner in this race of course.

I purpose right here and now unto myself, the inner self that knows and is ready to remind me of what Naturally Perfect truly is. I will honor every wrinkle and line, scar and stretch mark, age spots, and achy bones, broken heart, and scorned self-esteem, every hurt, and disappointment and take each one into my bosom hold it tight and whisper”you are legacy my child”.

So that's what I have done, I paused from this blog and sat in my most loving position legs drawn up in fetal style with arms gently hugging my chest. I closed my eyes and in a flash it was like the old view masters, the slide was in and in order, every wrinkle had a rhyme and reason beauty, and ugliness came to visit on each one. The scars on the outside were of easily soothed by oil I rubbed on them loving them away. The stretch marks' oh my children not one I regret I think I will leave those be, it's a beautiful memory I won't forget.

Each one I held close or cried over just a bit, then with one big breath I exhaled and thought I'm a on way, just a few more to release and I will be free. I finished with repeating I am Enough nothing else is required I am legacy of Naturally Perfect...

Tuesday, February 10

A Sick Grand Baby.. Healing Remedies from Boho "BOBO"

I am known to most as Boho She Wolf, but there are two very special magical darlings that call me "BOBO". I have recently had the pleasure of being back with them on a regular basis. I love the magic of children, they believe anything is possible and nothing is impossible. They dream in the natural state, they truly have not learned any other way YET.

My two year old grand darling Aiden has been fighting a chest cold for weeks now. Every time I think we got this licked it re-surfaces. I am the grams of the old ancient ways, I believe in all natural healing and remedies from our dear sweet Mother Earth. I also believe that there is a remedy for everything that ails us. So I have been watching and listening for weeks and this one has me stumped.

So I started again today with my little man, we started with totally re-vamping his diet again. This time we went with only fresh vegetables and fruits (RAW was highly recommended). We made our homemade Vapor Rub


1/2 cup of coconut oil
30 drops Eucalyptus oil
30 drops of Peppermint oil
mix generously
Rub directly on the front side of the chest down to the naval area. Rub the entire back area following along the lung and rib cage area. Also cover the kidney areas as well. We do house socks here, so we also rub it on his feet.

I have started to check for all kinds of allergies a trying task indeed. We continue with breathing treatments filled with colts foot herb we use the diffused oil. One can always but the bulk herb and boil it down to get the consistency needed for the breathing treatment. I know I am missing something, I just can't put my finger on it. I would love to hear some of the remedies every one else had used and is tried and true.

We also are monitoring his rest and down time. Also very trying with a two year old. I also implemented a healing meditation that he listens to through the I-pod, it is engaging enough for him to get a least of good dose of energy.

I have made up a dose of the best congestion tea I have ever come across and trust me I am old, so have tried many. This one is the simplest and most effective, I don't start the cold season without lots and lots of batches. Now the recipe will follow, but if you are making it the wee ones, then you have to change it up a bit cause their palettes are little more sensitive.


Ginger- 2 large peeled and shredded
Honey- organic is best, (extra bonus helps with allergies) I use 1 cup this varies to taste
Lemon- 4 big lemons extract all the juice but save the rinds.
Garlic- 4 gloves crushed
Raw Onion- 1 medium raw onion diced very very fine.
and I add a bit of cranberry concentrate to soften the blow of the taste for the kiddos.
I also use a green tea or white tea. - fresh leaves are best but bags will do use organic.

Cut and mix all ingredients mix together in a large mason jar. Let sit for 1 hour or more. Make ahead of time and store in nice cool space to ferment. Then boil the tea and steep for 15 minutes add two teaspoons full to each cup of tea. I place the kiddos in the freezer for a bit also add crushed ice and they guzzle it down.

Bobo's day today was all about healing and getting out of myself by engaging to help someone else. My agenda was to help my poor little wee one, and in turn it helped me as well. I needed a moment outside myself today, and this was the perfect outlet. I am truly blessed and so grateful that the universe continues to show me solutions and graces me so much beauty in my life. I am one lucky BOBO....

Monday, February 9

Victim or Victor???


It's Sunday, and finally a moment to silence the house is empty. Grabbed my notebook and started pondering a question that has been on my mind one more time in my life. Really, you would think at Crone status I might have just picked a little more than I thought Especially, after it's come around more than once. My truth is morsel by morsel, or tin-bit by tin-it, seems to be my pace.

Every situation requires a decision and every decision is comprised of choices, it's like a blank canvas every time, and of those choices are consequences or that has been my experience.
So here is question What am I choosing  VICTIM OR VICTOR?

My current situation has me back to square one give a cm or two. Humor goes a long way right now.  I have been processing, my general reaction to this whole situation was why is this happening to me? then it was look what you have done to me, how could you do what you did and destroy all that was good? I played the poor pity me and see how I have been treated. VICTIM that was my choice? Now I will say, it did not take me nearly as long as the previous oh hundred times give or take, but I started going back over the situation which by the way truly does become clearer the further you step away and detach. (not easy but necessary) Well, there is the next article, oh boy the juices are flowing.

Back to the beginning, I started with a pad and paper and listed the very first decision I made in this ordeal then next to it I wrote the choices were there are always choices. Then I looked at both sides of the consequences that occurred, boy was I astonished. Here I thought I had been the VICTOR in all this you know the good gal, who got all this dumped on her and done to her? I was wrong, you see as I went back, I noticed I actively choose at some points to engage in the victim role, this is a pattern that has plagued me since oh many many moons ago, each time I cross this bridge I think this is the last time I go down this road, well guess what DE JAVU.  Then something also showed itself, this had never happened before I went over it again, and I found where I did make the VICTOR choices, and that was progress.  Now I am left with I did both!!! Smiled for a moment, then stopped I remembered the above saying and then my V8 moment hit. One more time went up to the the list and counted how many of each I had made. Yup two more VICTIM's then VICTOR.  In that moment, I felt sickened but like a purge had just occurred, and I now knew more than I had before.

The preverbal  VICTIM status is all about ME how I have been wronged or hurt or whatever, it presumes that everybody and everything is "DOING TO YOU" false illusion. No one or nothing is being done to you it is choices of other's that simply by mathematical  probabilities  you will be affected.  The ripple effect. Taking it all to personal is what messed me up, I forgot that one key element, I let my victim pattern get in my head and it changed the course of everything. How do I do the VICTOR part, well that is a little tricky still for me to give you a blow by blow of exactly how to do it the truth is I am still learning. I do know that for me just seeing a little more today, than I did yesterday, facing that EGO side and putting it to bed just for a bit is being a victor, I guess also, humbling is a Victor for me as it has and I am grateful.

As I close I would like to say, I believe for me I have to always have a little victim in me ( as I choose to change the pattern by my decisions and choices) so I can have the truest definition of VICTOR in me. Perhaps, one day I will have the exact formula, but for now I can say, one more time I learned, and I love myself more today, this fall leads to a rise, in this moment right HERE, VICTOR's looking closer and closer all the time as a pattern of true-self choice.

Friday, February 6

Howling with Life...

Well with the full moon already in her glorious movement of this phase I wanted to stop, and reflect, listen to what has truly transpired in this time for me. It seems to all about RELEASING AND GAINING FREEDOM. I spent much of the first night in meditation, healing and forgiving myself for all that needed to be cleansed. Much to my amazement, which by now it shouldn't but anyways, there was plenty to be acknowledged and faced head on. The feelings that night were all over the place, hard to stay in the moment, and really feel each one. It was kinda like watching a slideshow, moving at a pace faster than the eye can grasp. Uncomfortable kept creeping in too, uneasy with my own silence my own vulnerability, facing what is surely disconnected. First night moon proved to be a igniting of more to come.

The second night of the full moon, turned deeply dark as I kept getting sucked down into the vortex of the night. I sat in my darkness, embraced it all of it for it lives in me. Tears flowing non-stop some I understood, some I just tasted the saltiness it reminded me of the sea, and I did not understand. The washing away of hurt, pain, and betrayal these were the tangy and distasteful. I was granted the stillness of the night, when it stood still things slowed to a halt and in that moment clarity and vision struck me. I cannot say I felt freedom but oh the release of the waters of my choices, they swirled murky and muddled as they flooded out from the corners of my eyes. Yes, the second night of this February Full Moon came and went leaving me in limbo til night 3.

AWE the third night of grandmother moon. This how I greeted her, as my family, as my elder with wisdom and lessons to be gained and pained. The releasing from the night before broke through the dam that I had built over the last moon phase. I called to her and she answered with bright light and glowing praise. She wrapped me in her power the cosmos energy surrounded me. This last might I came to believe that FREEDOM and RELEASE go hand in hand and one cannot achieve one with the other. Freedom is RELEASE.

It was a gloriously painful moon phase, and yet here I write all the beautiful sorrowful moments and the gift of seeing them through. Love, Light and Peace.

Tuesday, February 3


What do you see in this photo that frees your spirit?

Monday, February 2

Dowry of Sacrifice...

I am sitting here wondering are all women, females taught the same thing? Are we taunted  relentlessly to sacrifice ourselves for the good of everything and everyone else? Is this the fairy tale that most of us were trained to swallow? OH how we are taught with a smile and cup of tea to conform and camouflage our true selves so that we can have the " Perfect Life".  Doesn't matter what the image is I'm sure we all had our versions. I'll bet that if we all sat side by side our stories and tales would be so similar it would scare the shit out of us. We might think some evil magic is abound. I say it is, in the form of raising the female in a world and society that hardly acknowledges our true souls, and the divine feminine that we are born with.

I have spent most of my life unlearning what I got handed down to me like some sort of dowry, and personally  I thought it was awful then I think it stinks even more now that I have the wonderful pleasure of life's lessons and the universe's sense of humor to help correct these childhood nightmares. My mother was a women of the 60's a mother earth, love not war peace kind of gal, now I will say I got so many wonderful gifts from her and my grams (will get back to her in a bit), they taught me to pay attention to my body, how to holistically heal and remedy with what nature supplied. They showed me and encouraged me always to look for the good in all people. I learned the difference between religion and spirituality and to keep an open heart always. These are the amazing attributes these women passed on to me. They also passed on several virtues that I would find later to contradict some of the finer things I mentioned above. My mom was a love not war kind of gal, to the tune of 13 marriages before I was 15. I saw her fall in love with love, she made it seem like a Cinderella story. I remember meeting one of my 'new dads" on a Thursday, and returning on Sunday from visiting a dad, the man was gone and my mom off to the Bahamas. She whirl winded and danced around each man like he was the entire universe and most of them were spell bounded by her she was in their minds the "Free Spirit Philly looking to be tamed". This was the downfall for them, and the marriage part set in for my mom and well we all know how it ended. I remember my mom when she wasn't with a man, the time was sparse, but she seemed truly free and unabated when she stood alone. I remember her excitement of Square Dancing, how she shined, I watched her write poetry, and yoga and meditation. She dabbled in magic and dream walking. She even became a healer in one of her more longer stints. I thought that is what I how I want to be, then it would suddenly all go away when the next male strolled by: she gave it all up, her passions and her love of doing for herself. She devoted every aspect to him and even us "the family unit" like it had to some Ozzie and Harriet home. She once told me "Baby girl you have the spirit of wolf, the magic of healer and the heart of wanderer, but that will not get you through life, you must lead two lives one for yourself and one for society. I did not understand. I do now.

I later asked my mom why she said that she simply replied because that is what grams taught me and her mother taught her, it is the way of a woman in this time and space. I knew I did not agree, but in the end I still repeat that same crap from time to time. They say the universe keeps giving you what you need until you get the lesson down pat. One more time for me.

I said I would get back to grams, she was a one man kind of gal. 45 years of marriage, through thick and thin, hard times and good times, 9 children three passed. She was a native woman and she was also known to many as the local hoodoo woman.All kinds of folks came from all over to see her. I remember going to the shed her office and in it was magic and it moved me. I felt at home there, she did too. I could see it in her face. Then when everyone left and she went back to the house there was a sadness that took over, a negative energy that spoke of time to sacrifice mask back to conformity. She told me once, she really didn't like my grandpa very much, he wasn't much of a spiritual being, but a marriage that was bought and paid for and my grams the prize. I now understand how we as woman get trapped into living two lives, being two people and most don't know both of them very well.

So there ya have it, I had two powerful, magical, divine feminine spirits who both knew of their true inner beauty, and walked their path, but in secret and in the shadows hidden from the real world, they then would masks themselves and move or shift into some world, that molds and alters our perceptions into believing we are somehow less than and need to SAVE THE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE....I say no more, stop drinking the damn kook-aid.

Be the untamed forever free spirit all the time not in secret, behind closed doors, for no one can be touched by a boxed spirit.

Free Spirit Is A Way That Is Sometimes Found & Lost.

It is a Monday here, and it feels like one for me. I have spent the last four months displaced and out of sorts. I am living the boho life, but as a result of a situation that came about. Is it how I expected? NO, but that's what happens when expectations come into play, they always scramble the true reality of what is. Read these words above I do everyday, and they all fit me to a tee. I find myself once again being free, like being single by myself at the age of 51. Free spirit is the one that speaks to me the loudest today. I am free of the bondage and uncertainty of what I was living with day to day, I am free to speak my mind for the most part, some of it I hold back to due legal or threatening harassment. I am free to know that being abused is over. I am free to go and be and do as I like right???

The answer to this last question is NO. I say this, because I take the whole word in to account FREE SPIRIT well my spirit is hardly free, my spirit has been broken both by me and another person. My mind is not free it is trapped in what was? what happened? and where did it all go wrong? Playing out each scenario of all the hurt and pain and betrayal it soaks this up and boy does it talk some shit. My heart is aching as being used and abused is not my definition of FREE or SPIRIT let alone the two words in conjunction with one. I began yesterday with meditations that affirm my value and worth because you see as a human being in a human existence I must walk through this world in this meat suit. I cried and then quickly wiped away the tears like it was a dirty thing I did? And there is the mind rearing it's oh so valuable advice. (Ego taking control I suppose)

As I glance at the poster above, the other words that are all around they all somehow come back to that one word. (e.g. 10 commandments when really there is only one..DO NO HARM) I realize now that most of it is born from soul, a divine purpose made long before I entered this world, perhaps asked for or merely given to. It is always found because it is in the energy that is me, but the other side is always true to, as I the human continues this journey, twisting and turning, poking, and prodding, beginning and ending, expecting and attaching, climbing up and falling down I realize my Free Spirit is easily lost amongst this place and time. I reach to divine to grasp my human ego and tenderly stroke quiet and calm. I look forward to the day when this is just a passing memory, and I can tell the story without pain and sorrow or a tear falling. I will go forth and when it is time to tell the tale I will tell out of love and truly a FREE SPIRIT....

Thursday, January 29

Born & Breed

I knew the minute I was around others that I was a different breed not bad or good just different. I never noticed it when I was with my mom or grams they were cut of the same cloth just like me, so this was normal. I always heard a beat that very few people heard. I can remember the words "You are a special child" a child of an old soul, a free spirit. All I heard was "special child" somehow that connotation of two words set me apart in my mind.  At age 5 I got the nickname Boho child from my mom, she wolf by my grams both represented my journey that my life has taken. 

This is just a little about me, how I first understood, that my life would be different but filled with magic that I could never imagine. I would love to hear about the first time you knew that your soul would be free, your path would be unusual and filled with magic. 

We are stronger and more powerful when we stand together, yet alone we learn so much more, that is how the boho way is we learn from our natural wonder and wandering, and we meet with the pack to share our experiences.