Riding the vibrations of life. We all have desires and there is nothing wrong with all of that. The universe already has everything waiting for us. It simply cannot be any other way. It is our resistance or our constant fighting up stream, fighting the flow. Being a carefree spirit by nature, I find myself also being a human and dang if I don't find a way sometimes to fight it all the way. Kinda like someone telling "you can have it all over here just come on over" and I reply oh OK, if I have to. Well that immediately sets up resistance, and I guarantee I will not be in the vortex of the universe's vibrations. The universe says YES to everything we desire as long as we match our vibrations to the universal laws of attraction. This is the wild spirit, the wild universe's call to us. These laws of attraction are the guidelines to being the free spirit, the bohemian wild child, the flower power couple, and it goes on and on. This is the direction the flow moves in and it is so much easier to move with it then resist against it.
Take a moment today, find and list everything that you no longer desire or want to have taking up a vibrations, then replace it with everything you do desire and tell that story, don't tell the one with the most negative, or worse still is playing both ends by saying things like: I really need money and it would make things easier, I have no bed, no couch, my car sucks. You see there, you stated a desire, a need, and negated by listing what you don't have. I would say if it were me I really could use some more money universe, I am so happy for the car I am driving and would like to see me in a new one with blue stripes, a warm heater, a good air conditioner, and safety and reliability is what I am going to get. I told a different story, a more moving with the flu, appreciation for what is right in front of me and knowing that things are always working out for me...NO MATTER WHAT depending on the story I am telling.
So once you get all that done, I challenge you all to take each one find a new story to tell and watch the freedom and ease of it all. The joy of being in the vortex of the universe always expanding, and contrasting and learn to LOVE them both...
Peace, Love, and Vibrate well......It's all about the emotions and feelings if you stay in tune, tapped in and tickled pink with it all it will be a ride of a lifetime.
We only live in the HERE AND NOW..This is for all the free spirits out there who beats to their own drum, who always walked away from conformity..hell ran as fast one could, for all those free spirits who never quite walked the earth like everyone else. We delve into the universe, we see what others cannot or will not see. We dance with our fringe and we howl at life lessons with eager anticipation even though the price is high.
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