Naturally Perfect.
When I entered this world, and took my first breath the Universe in all its divinity stopped and whispered “You are legacy my child” one of my favorite sayings my grams would whisper in my ear and a kiss goodnight.
It never dawns on us children to feel anything else but Cosmically Naturally Perfect. How do we go from that blissful place of absolute unconditional love and pure faith in it all to wavering uncertainty in everything? We go through life, or that is my experience.
Everything is naturally perfect just as it is. All phenomena appear in their uniqueness as part of the continually changing pattern. These patterns are vibrant with meaning and significance at every moment; yet there is no significance to attach to such meanings beyond the moment in which they present themselves. This is the dance of the five elements in which matter is a symbol of energy and energy a symbol of emptiness. We are a symbol of our own enlightenment. With no effort or practice whatsoever, liberation or enlightenment is already here. My reasoning side introduction.
Nature versus Nurture model of course is the longest standing example. The truth is; it is both of these energies occurring the time span we define as childhood. The energies are never exactly the same in child, why? simply we are all uniquely designed to be that specific way. The Naturally Perfect being. Let me stop here and clarify perfect I don't profess to know the origin of my existence, it is a power greater than me but being so powerful it's design is above my pay grade in this lifetime. It is Perfect in that it has knowledge like building a human meat skeleton. I do not. End of clarity.
Then comes media, society, our peers, the whole world seems to know how YOU, ME, THEM, should be PERFECT. Notice the difference, in just the phrasing of that sentence, and the most important word is completely missing. Our second worst enemy, is our gender my very own sisters, and we perpetuate it by serving the conformity of what a few have deemed “TRUTH” ourselves being the forefront runner in this race of course.
I purpose right here and now unto myself, the inner self that knows and is ready to remind me of what Naturally Perfect truly is. I will honor every wrinkle and line, scar and stretch mark, age spots, and achy bones, broken heart, and scorned self-esteem, every hurt, and disappointment and take each one into my bosom hold it tight and whisper”you are legacy my child”.
So that's what I have done, I paused from this blog and sat in my most loving position legs drawn up in fetal style with arms gently hugging my chest. I closed my eyes and in a flash it was like the old view masters, the slide was in and in order, every wrinkle had a rhyme and reason beauty, and ugliness came to visit on each one. The scars on the outside were of easily soothed by oil I rubbed on them loving them away. The stretch marks' oh my children not one I regret I think I will leave those be, it's a beautiful memory I won't forget.
Each one I held close or cried over just a bit, then with one big breath I exhaled and thought I'm a on way, just a few more to release and I will be free. I finished with repeating I am Enough nothing else is required I am legacy of Naturally Perfect...
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